Colonial Dynamics in Peruvian Musical Manuscript Culture (17th – 19th Century)

Colonial Dynamics in Peruvian Musical Manuscript Culture (17th – 19th Century)

Diese Veranstaltung findet in englischer Sprache statt

Thema: Kolonialität

Art der Veranstaltung: Symposion

Termine: Freitag 14.06.24 9:30 a.m. – 16 p.m.

Ort: CSMC, Pavillon  Universität Hamburg, Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures, Warburgstraße 26; 20354 Hamburg


Research concept:

“Peripheries” are and were fertile grounds for negotiation. In the Peruvian case, far removed from the Spanish centre of power, enforcement oscillated between extremes of harshness and laxity, often giving rise to ambiguity and contradictions. Musical practices, insofar as they were inextricable from social and political life, became both an instrument of power and an arena for such negotiations. 

This workshop is planned in conjunction with the concert From Manuscript to Sound: Colonial Dynamics in Peruvian Music, which will close the event, to provide an interdisciplinary and multi-modal framework for reflection on the meanings of music manuscripts and music archives. In it, we will address through examples the following questions:

  • In which ways are music practices, music manuscript production, and music valuation shaped through time by a colonial context?
  • How can the materiality of music manuscripts and our awareness of their production or archiving in a colonial context inform our understanding and performance of them?
  • Which colonial perspectives, mentalities or values seem to have persisted in collecting and archiving musical manuscripts and more generally in music-related activities beyond the colonial era, even up to our time?
  • How have narratives been constructed around music archival practices and repertoire-building to deal with the colonial past and its overcoming?


Chair: Prof. Dr. Markus Friedrich

  • Prof. Dr. Julio Mendívil (Universität Wien)
  • Prof. Aurelio Tello (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú)
  • Prof. Dr. Magally Alegre (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú)
  • Daniel Kudo M.A. (Universität Hamburg)

Round Table: Performing musical manuscripts

Moderation: Prof. Dr. Matteo Nanni

  • Prof. Isolde Kittel-Zerer (Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg); Daniel Kudo M.A.; Prof. Aurelio Tello; N.N.

Präsenzzeit: Bis zu 6,5 Stunden

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